TR College and Career Portfolio

Welcome to the TR College and Career Portfolio (CCP) Page.  You will find all of the information you need to complete your College and Career Portfolio here.  Please use the links on the top of the page to navigate all areas on the website.

The College and Career Portfolio is a District 205 graduation requirement.  The CCP allows students to earn points through a variety of opportunities while working on being college and career ready.   The opportunities for points are things students should be doing while in high school to prepare themselves for their post-secondary plans. 

All students need 3,000 points in order to complete their College and Career Portfolio requirement.  Students who transfer to Thornridge during their high school career will need to have a one-on-one conversation with their advisor to determine an appropriate adjusted point total.

Anything a student does that counts as points for CCP must have documentation.  A variety of verification forms are available outside of the office for students to pick up.  Electronic copies are also available on the website.  All documentation must be submitted in student's assigned CCP Google Classrooms.  No other methods of submission will be accepted.

Just because a student does something for points does not mean the advisors know.  Everything must be documented with your advisor.  It is the student's responsibility to submit documentation to the CCP Google Classroom.

The deadline to submit documentation for CCP points for the Class of 2025 will be announced in the fall.  All documentation must be submitted in your CCP Google Classroom by the deadline.  Also, students must complete CCP before they are able to purchase a prom ticket.  (There are additional requirements that must be met in order to purchase a prom ticket.  Completion of CCP is just one of them.)

Students are assigned an advisor to assist them with their requirement.    The alpha slice is based on the first letter of the student's last name.

Alpha slices for the 2023-2024 school year:

The CCP Office is located in B109B.  Paper copies of forms are available outside of the office.

Office Hours for the 2024-2025 school year are will be announced in the fall. 

Contact information for advisors is below:

Please note that only one advisor will be available during office hours.  All advisors can answer questions, but please be aware a student's specific advisor is the person responsible for entering their points.  Students are encouraged to email their advisor with any questions since office hours are only available on a limited schedule.