Welcome District 205 Teachers/Division Leaders/ and Building Administrators
All the District provided website resources for various departments will be provided below!
(Please click below if you have a suggestion of resources that are not district purchased, but you would like the district to look into.)
If you have information that you would like added to this website please provide it in the below format to graham.jomyron@district205.net :
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resources more information is needed on the immediate below technology resources. This website will continue to be regularly updated until all the information on technology resources teachers utilize within the district have been added and catalogued.
Pre AP Biology and Chemistry (need specific resource name, website and resource type)
Kognity ( need website unless https://app.kognity.com/ is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
Poll Everywhere ( need website unless https://www.polleverywhere.com/login is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
AP Classroom ( need website unless https://myap.collegeboard.org/login is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
Physics Classroom ( need website unless https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Sign-in?returnurl=%2fAccount is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
McGraw hill Online Textbook ( need website unless https://myebooks.mheducation.com/login is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
Savaas Pearson Realize ( need website unless https://sso.rumba.pk12ls.com/sso/login?profile=realize&k12int=true&service=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.savvasrealize.com%2Fcommunity%2Fj_spring_cas_security_check is the correct website and needs resource type and Category such as what division/subject utilizes this app)
Resources here can be utilized by multiple departments/divisions within District 205
Resource name: Blocksi
Resource website: https://blocksi.net/
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase
Resource name: Newsbank
Resource website: Access World News
Black Life in America
USERNAME: District205news
PASSWORD: newsbankD205
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase
Resource name: Nearpod
Resource website: https://nearpod.com/login/
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase
Resource name: IXL
Resource website: https://www.ixl.com/
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader through Federal Program for Math teachers at TRHS, TTHS, TWHS, OA, and PC, but may be able to be utilized by other departments such as Science, reading etc.
Resource name: Google Workspace apps
Resource website:https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive, https://docs.google.com/document, https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/?tgif=d, https://docs.google.com/presentation/, https://meet.google.com/, https://calendar.google.com/, https://classroom.google.com/h, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/, https://mail.google.com/mail/
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase for district Google Workspace accounts.
Resource name: Edulastic
Resource website: https://app.edulastic.com/district/TTHSD2
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase
Resource name: Kami
Resource website: https://web.kamihq.com/web/viewer.html
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchased
Resource name:Quizizz
Resource website: https://quizizz.com/
Resource type: Building Specific Purchase
Resource name: Schoolzilla
Resource website: https://app.schoolzilla.com/login
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase.
Resource name: Star Renaissance (Reading, Math, Spanish)
Resource website: https://global-zone52.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/175169
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader through Federal Program for Math teachers at TRHS, TTHS, TWHS, OA, and PC
Resource name: EdPuzzle
Resource website: https://edpuzzle.com/
Resource type: Confirmed District Purchase.
Resource name: CK-12
Resource website: https://www.ck12.org/teacher/
Resource type: Google Classroom add-on.
Resource name: Peardeck
Resource website: https://app.peardeck.com/authPicker?finalDestinationUrl=%2Fhome%2Fsessions
Resource type: Thornwood Purchase (trial school)
Resource name: Grade Transfer
Resource website: https://www.gradetransferer.com/
Resource type: Google Classroom add-on
Resource name: Newsela
Resource website: https://newsela.com/signin/?next=/onboarding/teacher/profile/0
Resource type: District Purchase (TW,TT,TR)
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resources here can be utilized by the Science/CTE Department/Division within District 205
Resource name: Gizmos
Resource website: https://gizmos.explorelearning.com or https://apps.explorelearning.com/account/el/login/educator?gizmos=1
Resource type: District Purchase through Federal Program.
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resources here can be utilized by the Math/Business Department/Division within District 205
Resource name: SMART Learning Suite Lumio
Resource website: https://legacy.smarttech.com/en/lumio
Resource type: Purchased by Division leader for Math teachers at TRHS, OA, and PC
Resource name: MathType
Resource website:https://www.wiris.com/en/mathtype/
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader through Federal Program for Math teachers at TRHS, TTHS, TWHS, OA, and PC
Resource name: TI-84 Chrome OS Graphing Calculator for Chromebooks
Resource website: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ti-84-plus-ce-app-for-chr/ijagefbeogciolnheepglhkbflpaalff?hl=en
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader through Federal Program for Math teachers at TRHS, TTHS, TWHS, OA, and PC
Resource name: Kuta Software
Resource website: https://www.kutasoftware.com/
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader for Math teachers at TRHS, OA, and PC
Resource name: Gmetrix
Resource website: https://www.gmetrix.com/
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader utilizing CTE funds for CTE Business Teachers at TRHS and OA
Resource name:MOS Learning Suite
Resource website: https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/Certifications/Microsoft/MOS/Overview.aspx
Resource type: Purchased by Division Leader utilizing CTE funds for CTE Business Teachers at TRHS and OA
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resources here can be utilized by the ELA/Reading/Speech/Library Department/Division within District 205
Resource name: Scholastic Action Magazine
Resource website: https://scope.scholastic.com/ & https://action.scholastic.com/
Resource type: Purchased through Division Leader
Additional info: comes with physical magazine and e-zine access
Resource name: Read180
Resource website: https://idp-awsprod1.education.scholastic.com/idp/
Resource type: (awaiting information)
Resource name: Vocabulary.com
Resource website: https://www.vocabulary.com/
(District subscription to join: https://vocab.com/join/4HG5RJV )
Resource type: Free
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Physical Education/FACS
Resources here can be utilized by the Physical Education/FACS Department/Division within District 205
Resource name: Teambuildr
Resource website: https://www.teambuildr.com/en/
Resource type: TW Division Leader purchased
Resource name: Rouxbe
Resource website: https://rouxbe.com/
Resource type: District Purchase
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Social Studies/Fine Arts
Resources here can be utilized by the Social Studies/Fine Arts Department/Division within District 205
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Other Resources
Other resources that may be utilized by staff will be listed here. These may be free or self-purchased unless otherwise stated so are not officially supported by the District but may be considered for District purchase in the future.
Resource name:Quizlet
Resource website: https://quizlet.com/
Resource type: Free or Self-purchased
Resource name:Blooket
Resource website: https://www.blooket.com/
Resource type: Free or Self-purchased
Resource name: Kahoot
Resource website: https://create.kahoot.it/auth/login
Resource type: Free or Self-purchased
Resource name: Khan Academy
Resource website: https://www.khanacademy.org/login
Resource type: Free or Self-purchased
Resource name: Naviance
Resource website: https://id.naviance.com/
Resource type: District purchased
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type:
Resource name:
Resource website:
Resource type: