2021-2022 ESDs

Term 1

A tale of two beasts (7:12)



1. Everyone has a different way of seeing the same thing. Do you agree?

2. Can you recall an instance when you and your friend/parent/teacher saw things differently?

3. Is it easy to put yourself in others’ shoes or see things from others’ perspectives?

Term 2

I'm perfectly designed (9:34)



1. What is your favourite body part?

2. What is one thing that you like about yourself?

3. Are you scared to express your emotions/ share your feelings with others?

Term 3

Kindness is my superpower (8:49)



  1. Have you ever hurt somebody by saying something bad/rude?

  2. Can you share with me an act of kindness you did before (for a stranger/that might have brightened someone’s day)?

  3. If you are kind, kindness will come back to you. Do you agree?