Math Facts

Math Facts for Second Grade

Learning math facts is essential to being able to do math work with success. Knowing the facts isn’t really the math work for the day. Math fact work has to be done in addition to the lessons being taught in math time. That is why we spend time working on the facts outside of our regularly scheduled math block. Below is the breakdown of when we need to know our addition and subtraction facts for 2nd grade.

First Semester 1. All 2nd graders should have their addition facts to 18 (9+9) mastered by the end of first semester. That means your child can score 90% or above, on the timed test to have mastered that set. 2. Our flashcard work will focus on facts through the sums of 10 through 18, since most students have had extensive work on facts to 10 in first grade. As you practice at home, sort out the flashcards s/he knows and focus on the ones not known. 3. We will have the opportunity to use several programs to promote fact memorization. One is with the new math series and another one is called Xtra Math. More information will be coming.

Second Semester 1. All 2nd graders should have their subtraction facts to 18 (18-9) mastered by the end of second semester. That means your child can score 90% or above, on the timed test to have mastered that set. 2. Our flashcard work will focus on subtraction facts from 10 through 18 since most students have had extensive work on facts from 10 in first grade. As you practice at home, sort out the flashcards s/he knows and focus on the ones not known. 3. The same opportunity as #3 under addition. To accomplish these two goals students MUST practice facts at home as part of their homework. Their math scores will be lowered if their fact timed tests are not in line with 2nd grade requirements and expectations.