
Miss Conner & Miss Panici

Welcome to Remote Learning in Kindergarten!

Hello! On this page you will find some information regarding how we will be doing remote learning in kindergarten. Please let either Miss Panici or Miss Conner know if you have any additional questions!

How do I communicate with teachers throughout remote learning?

SeeSaw messages are an easy way to contact us! We will do our best to answer all of your questions as soon as possible. Email is also another great way. Our emails are listed below. We will be available to answer your questions on remote learning days from 8:30-11:00 and 1:00-3:00.

Miss Conner- Miss Panici-

How will my student submit assignments that he or she has completed?

All assignments will be submitted on SeeSaw! Instructions for submission are included with the assignment itself. If you are unable to access SeeSaw at home, paper packets may be picked up at the main office. The pick up schedule is listed below.

Copy of letters to families remote learning