TDB Pilot Project

TDB Pilot Program ParticipantS

Education Service Center 10 (ESC10), Education Service Center 11 (ESC11), and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) Outreach Department DeafBlind Team are collaborating to provide Northwest ISD, Frisco ISD, and Plano ISD, an opportunity to participate in a pilot training project supporting new models for Teachers of Students with Deafblindness (TDB). This project is designed to provide these selected districts with increased knowledge, skills, and strategies, in order to develop new models for serving students with deafblindness across their local instructional setting.

Professional Development: Training will include a combination of workshops, on-site visits, video conferencing, and web-based instruction for the Teacher of the DeafBlind participants.

Community of Practice: TDB’s in the Pilot will be encouraged to engage in ongoing efforts to support a teacher of students with deafblindness, community of practice, both locally and nationally.

Technical Assistance: Technical assistance will include a combination of distance and on-site support. The focus for assistance will be based on student, TDB, and district outcomes.

Case Study: During year one of the pilot, TDB's will focus attention on a specific student and their IEP. In year two, the Pilot will embark on a broader approach to the TDB Caseload. Rather than focusing on a single "case study student", TDBs will examine their entire caseload in order to develop a more global understanding of the role of the TDB at a district wide level.

Learn how we measure change with the pilot program at the "Measures of Change" page.

Pilot Program Files on Google Classroom

Team 1

Click here to go to the Team 1 classroom.

Team 2

Click here to go to the Team 2 classroom.

Team 3

Click here to go to the Team 3 classroom.

Team 4

Click here to go to the Team 4 classroom.