Stay Connected

Salisbury Elementary School

SES Teacher Directory

Jaxson practicing his Bs! Thanks for your support at home families!

Students create a collaborative mural at recess.

The goal of this website is to provide enrichment opportunities that will keep our students engaged and supported by their teachers during this extended closure of schools. Above is a list of "office hours" that teachers will be available to students. Teachers will be sharing enrichment activities meant to support outside learning while school is not in session. No work will be assigned a due date, and no work will be graded. Teachers will, however, be available to provide feedback and guidance as needed. We understand that there is a lot going on in everyone's lives at the moment so we do not want this to add additional stress. Instead, we hope to help support students by helping to build daily structure with curriculum related activities while at home.

Please use the navigation tool in the top left corner to find your student's grade-level and other school services. Teachers will be providing links to a variety of online resources. Some of these sites may require a special login. If your child is having difficulty logging on, please submit a ticket to request assistance at Please note we can only support the sites that have been approved by the district. For a complete listing of sites supported by the district please click HERE. This listing will be updated routinely, and you can also contact your child’s teacher with any other questions about sites or resources they may suggest.

The district is working to have Chromebooks available for students who do not have access to a laptop/device. If you would like to borrow a device for your child, please contact our Director of Technology, Debra Jones at We can also provide information about how families who qualify can receive free Internet service through Comcast if needed.

Throughout this closure, please remember that the loss of structure and seeing classmates can be overwhelming for children. Educators will be connecting with your child throughout the school closure, and please also be in contact with them if there are ways to help support your child during this time. School based educators and administrators are the best contact for any specific issues or concerns.

If you have questions about the overall academic approach during this closure, please contact Assistant Superintendent Kimberly Croteau at