6th & 8th Math 

 Mr. Nance



Math is far more than just adding/multiplying numbers. It is a process of following directions and applying knowledge that you have learned to real life situations.  Math is also problem solving.  Students will spend time on these skills while thinking about the six core values of Trinity Lutheran School.

Students will be expected to be organized.  To do this, they will need a 3-ring binder (1" is fine).  Students will keep homework, quizzes, tests and notes in this binder.  At the end of each quarter, they will have an assessment on their binder that will check their organizational skills. There is no class at Trinity that teaches students how to be organized so I have incorporated it into my math classes so that they may learn skills not only for math, but for other classes and life beyond the class room.

Caption for an image of your class


About me

This will be 36th year in education.  I have held many different positions in the education field.  I have been a middle school math teacher, high school math teacher, high school guidance counselor, an athletic director, secondary principal, and now curriculum director.  

My wife, Betty is the 3rd grade teacher here at Trinity.  We have been married for eight years and have a daughter and son in-law in Michigan.  Our dog, Rigley, rounds out our family.




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