Natalie Greise

Full Name: Natalie Autumn Lynn Greise

Nickname: Nat or Natty

Parents: Jim & Jessica Greise

Siblings: James (27), Tom (21), Alyssa (22)

Parent/Sibling Trait that you Admire: They all are individual and strive to achieve their own passion in life. My mom is especially supportive and has tried her best to help us grow up well.

When I was young, I envisioned myself to be: An artist.

Future Plans: I plan to move to North Carolina and fully delve into my interests and see which career path I want to take or that opens up to me.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Married and maybe have a kid or two.

What is your most memorable moment from school years at Treynor: When everyone wrote nice cards and letters for me and got me nice gifts, when I was going through a really tough time my sophomore year.

What extra-curricular activities were you involved in at Treynor? I was in band for a few years.

If you have a day without commitments, what would you most likely be doing? Either hanging out with family and pets, playing games or working on a project.

What are some of your favorites (e.g. books, movies, foods)? My favorite trilogy is Lord of the Rings. My favorite foods are Asian (I can't pick just one tasty Asian dish).

What will you miss the most about THS? My friends, Aalanah and Taylor. Also, the amazing and supportive teachers that I have gotten close to.

What advice would you give underclassmen? Things will go by quick, everyone tells you but you don't realize until it is almost over. Not having a plan is sometimes the best plan. And, don't cram all of your required classes into your junior year.