Tralee Residential Services
This will be placed on the achievement of independence and the promotion of a homelike environment that enhances quality of life.
24 hour community base service.
Monthly summary reports on progress.
Family involvement is encouraged in all aspects of program delivery.
Excellent level of health and safety.
Promotion of positive peer relationships.
Lifestyle Plans to address all areas of development as follows:
Life Skills
Quality of Life
Cognitive Development
Plans reviewed informally every three months and formally on an annual basis.
Recreational and leisure activities, promoted to reinforce self-esteem, self-worth, and independence.
Encourage and promote community participation utilizing natural supports when appropriate.
Access reflects the philosophy of normalization and integration. Individuals involved with Tralee will receive services that are based on their personal interests and achievement of maximum potential and integration into the community. Community activities can include:
Work Experience
Volunteer Placements (Independent or Supported)
Recreation Opportunities
Leisure Opportunities
Regular contact with the day staff and guardian