Week Four

Year Three Weekly Update

Monday 13th April - Friday 17th May 

Review (This week) 

English : Comprehension - Kensuke's Kingdom

Maths :  Measuring length and converting measures

Science: Beginning seed investigation

Preview (Next week) 

English :  Writing adventure stories

Maths :  Adding and subtracting length; calculating perimeter

Science: Observing seed investigation

Homework : Spellings, TT Rockstars, Maths Books, English books and daily reading.

Notices: Our assembly will be on 7th June

we've had a great week in Year 3 this week where we have been learning about converting measures (mm, cm & m) and carrying out our seed investigation.

Congratulations to Yudi, Yudian and Alex for completing their respective 99 Clubs last Friday!

As you can see, the children have prepped their investigations now and we are beginning to record our results.

The children did some great work this week on open and closed questions in their English lessons before answering some comprehension questions on Kensuke's Kingdom.

Next week you will be receiving a letter informing you that the Year 3 assembly will be on Friday 7th June.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.