Week Ten

Year Three Weekly Update

Monday 5th November - Friday 9th November

Review (This week) 

English : Instruction texts 

Maths : Shape and Geometry (turns and angles)

Science : Materials: Investigating the strength of paper

Preview (Next week) 

English : Recount of Everest Expedition

Maths : Shape and Geometry (right angles; comparing and drawing angles)

Science : Materials: Investigating the strength of paper (improving our investigation)

Homework : Pages 3 & 4 of the English homework booklet; children to complete their spellings practice; TT Rockstars and nightly reading.

Notices: Please can you send in any cereal boxes you might have at home.

This week we started our week by enjoying our new interactive materials display where the children have the opportunity to sort the properties of different materials.

As part of the same science unit, children also sorted different items into which recycle bin they should go into. This included some fantastic discussion about how we could reuse some items instead of recycling them!

It was a super busy week of science as we came towards the end of our materials unit and the children had the opportunity to lead their own investigation by finding out which paper was the strongest and would therefore be most suitable for a new shopping bag!

Building on our flour rangoli patterns that we did last week, the children completed their rangoli patterns this week using rice flour and coloured sand. the children made some incredibly creative patterns and really tried hard to include symmetry.

Another super busy week in year 3 and no doubt next week will be the same so we wish the children and their families a happy weekend!

The Year 3 team.