Week Seven

Year Three Weekly Update

Monday 8th October - Friday 12th October 

Review (This week) 

English :  Homophones, spellings, handwriting and writing letters to our family from inside the cave.

Maths : Addition and Subtraction & Mathematical Fluency.

Science : Life cycle of a frog.

Homework : 

Independent research of India in preparation for our next topic using the following websites and videos:

Spelling assessment of all spelling sounds we have covered so far will take place in the first week back. 

Learn the two different poems by Edward Lear that are included on the newsletter.

Continue to read for at least 10 minutes everyday over half่ term!

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 - Use this website with your child to help improve their mathematical fluency.

Notices: Enjoy your holiday!

The children had a very exciting start to the week when we took ourselves on an adventure to try and experience what it might have been like for the football team of boys who were trapped in the cave for 17 days. The children took themselves underneath the stage where it was very dark and there were also some spooky cave sounds. we thought about messages that we would like to send home before we listened to some of the real notes that the boys sent from the cave. the children then wrote some of their own fantastic notes home to their loved ones!

This week in our learning for life we considered the importance of reading people's facial expressions and understanding that sometimes jokes can go too far. the children were given an emotion and were challenged to show that emotion on their face. as well as this the children were asked to consider what they loved about tara pattana before thinking about things that would make our school a nightmare place to be. as a year group, we all understand the role we each play in ensuring that tara pattana international school is a fun and safe place to be for everyone.

we are continuing to work hard everyday in class on our mathematical fluency and our current focus is upon times tables and number bonds to 20, 100 and 1,000. we would really encourage you to challenge your children at home and use this brilliant maths resource which is free and can be found at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10.

The children are really enjoying their reading in school and as teachers we are seeing their progress everyday. it is so vitally important that the children continue to read every night at home!

the children used atlases this week to identify capital cities across the world using the index, their knowledge of alphabetical order and also learned a new skill: how to use a grid reference!

The children this week completed their artwork that they started last week and what a fabulous job they have done!

We have included these two poems as it is important that the children begin to learn and recite them as part of our Poetry unit!

The staff in Year 3 would like to wish you a happy and restful half term!