Week Five

Year Three Weekly Update

Monday 24th September - Friday 28th September 

Review (This week) 

English : Story writing

Maths : Adding and subtracting multiples of 100; adding to and subtracting ones from a 3-digit number; adding and subtracting when crossing 10.

Science : Life cycle of a plant

Preview (Next week) 

English : Descriptive story writing

Maths : Exchanging; adding and subtracting multiples of 10 & 100; add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers

Science : Life cycle of an animal

Homework : Spellings: "ur" sound spelt "ear"; reading and practising times tables every night; Myimaths Place Value homework (children have been given logins).

Notices: Continue to ensure that children arrive in school wearing full uniform on days where they have PE. A reminder that swimming lessons are on a Tuesday afternoon.

The children in Year 3 have had another fantastic week this week. It began with Rada and Rihanna being invited onto the stage for Monday Motivation where Mr Swan explained to the children everything that had happened from last Friday (last week's newsletter). The two girls were so confident on stage and did an amazing job explaining to the rest of the school.

This week the children have been learning all about anti-bullying and have been challenging themselves from our challenge cup to complete random acts of kindness. The children then finished the week by going down to Kindergarten and Nursery and showing the children there exactly what it means to be kind and play nicely. As you would expect and as you can see from the pictures, they were absolutely fantastic and all of the children had a fantastic time!

Also this week the children in Year 3 made their way onto the school Facebook page during their swimming lesson and we know how hard the children have been trying with their swimming. Some of the children are now competent with 4 different strokes! Keep up the big efforts!

On Wednesday afternoon it was lovely of Mr Miles, our secondary Music and Maths teacher, to take some time out of his own day and come down to Year 3 to read the children a story. The children were so engaged and it was great for them to hear someone new read them Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Thank you Mr Miles!

As part of our Life Cycles unit in Science this week, the children were role playing the different ways in which plants disperse their seeds! The children already had some fantastic knowledge about plants from their time in Year 2 but also learned a lot about the importance of the bumblebee and how plants continue to thrive!

On Thursday the children continued their topic on rivers by looking at river pollution and we did an investigation into the different things that go into a river and how it can become dirty and polluted. The children couldn't believe how many things find their way into the river!

During Thai Studies this week the children have been folding coconut leaves to make fish which they will add to their mobile which will hang in the Year 3 classrooms! Amazing resilience shown by all the children who continued to try their best even though they were finding it far from easy!

The children have all been given their log in details for MyiMaths and they have had the opportunity to use it in school so should be able to access their homework at home without hiccough. If there are any problems then do not hesitate to come and see one of the Year 3 staff.