Week Eleven

Year Three Weekly Update

Monday 12th November - Friday 16th November

Review (This week) 

English :  Recount of our journey to Everest Base Camp

Maths :   Turns and different types of angles

Science: Improving our materials investigation

Preview (Next week) 

English : Recount of climbing Everest 

Maths : Draw lines accurately & understand the terms horizontal and vertical

Science : Materials assessment.

Homework : Complete pages 5-6 of the English homework booklet. Practice spellings and times tables. Nightly reading. 

This week, the children have been producing some really good maths work in their books by showing us their understanding of turns and angles. The children can now identify,  recognise and draw right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles. The children have also been learning vocabulary such as anti-clockwise and clockwise as well as the compass points. We used this vocabulary to give instructions in the playground to produce shapes with specific properties.

The children have been practising the songs for Loy Kratong festival which is next Thursday in their Music and Thai lessons.

As you will previously recall, the children had an in-house Art competition in Year 3 where they voted for their two favourite pieces of artwork. The winners were Cassy and Tony and in the pictures you can see their work is now on display in the corridor outside the Art Room.

The children reflected on the paper investigation we carried out last week. They improved their work by creating strategies to make their paper and string sizes fairer by being more accurate with their measurements which leads us in to our maths work next week.

Thank you to the parents that helped us out with cereal boxes. We have now started our D&T Everest models and we hope for them to be completed over the coming weeks with pictures to follow!

Have a great weekend!