Week One

Year Three Weekly Update

Tuesday 09th January - Friday 12th January

Review (This week) 

English :  Non-Fiction Unit: Reading and creating our own instructions. Using our inference skills. Asking and answering questions based on a text.

Maths : Time week. Reading, writing and telling the time from o'clock all the way to 5 minutes past.

Topic: Anti-Bullying week- discussing different ways that someone can be bullied.

Preview (Next week) 

English :  Non-fiction learning continued

Maths : Fractions

Science : Forces - Pushes and Magnets

Topic/History: Awesome Ancient Egyptians!


Can you guess the exercise that Andrey and JJ wrote instructions for?

The students also proved that they could follow instructions AND retrieve information from an Atlas.


We turned the classroom in to a giant clock and the students in to minute hands! They had a lot of fun moving themselves to show different times.


For Anti-bullying week we discussed: different ways people can be bullied, learnt the difference between being Rude, Mean and Bullying.

We then made these 'Hands of Kindness' posters and proved that we are kind by giving examples of the great, kind things we have done and do on a regular basis.

We were all so EXCITED to see the Early Years new playground and, predictably, we couldn't resist testing it out for the younger students! 

Homework : 

English sheets have been handed out, there are new mymaths activities/tasks ready to be completed. Please allocate some time each week for your children to practise their spellings and times tables.


There have been a few timetable changes so please ask your child for the paper version of our new weekly routine. I will also email this separately so that everyone also has an e-copy.

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend and, as always, if you have any questions please come and see me at the end of the school day or send an email.

David Smith