Week Ten

Year Six Weekly Update

Monday 5th November - Friday 9th November

Review (This week) 

English :  This week we have been learning all about poetry. We began by exploring a poem called 'If' by Rudyard Kipling. We than explored Japanese haiku poems, and wrote our own. Perhaps our most challenging poem we looked at this week was Alice in Wonderland's 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll!

Maths :  We have made some great headway with fractions this week. We have become much more confident simplifying fractions and finding their equivalents. We have begun to understand how to find fractions of amounts.

Topic : We have been delving much more deeply into Renaissance cities this week. We have been learning all about Florence and how it was controlled by the Medici Family. We then progressed onto exploring the reasons why Venice was able to become such a financially secure and powerful city.

Preview (Next week) 

English : Next week we will continue to explore a variety of poems. We will be analyzing their structure much more closely. We will continue to work on our inference and comprehension skills. 

Maths : We will be moving on to multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers.

Topic : We will be exploring the works of famous Renaissance artists:  Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Homework : 


Thank you for all of hard work and support! Have a wonderful weekend!

Kind regards,

Harry Cairns


Twitter - @MrCairnsY6