Week Six

Year Six Weekly Update

Monday 1st October - Friday 5th October 

Review (This week) 

English :  This week we have completed our biographies on Roald Dahl and written our own autobiographies.

Maths : We have been focusing on reasoning calculations this week, with a particular emphasis on multiplication and division problems.

Science : We have been classifying animals into different groups based on their features. We then progressed to looking at microorganisms. This has included us setting up our very own experiments exploring the germs and bacteria in our saliva and how quickly they can cause mould to grow on bread.

Preview (Next week) 

English : We will begin learning about report writing; looking at several key texts and examples and begin to create our own. 

Maths : We will move onto learning all about positioning and direction.

Science : We will continue to monitor the growth of our microorganisms and record the mold growth in our petri dishes. 

Homework : 


Should you have any questions or queries, my email address is: hcairns@tpis.ac.th