Week Ten

Year Four Weekly Update

Monday 25th June - Friday 29th June

Review (This week) 

English : 

This week we have been reading lots of stories as well as information texts about the human body.

Pupils have made a special booklet to present to their Year 5 teacher detailing their interests and areas for development. 

Maths :  

We have been learning about shape. We have built 3D shapes out of nets and played some logic puzzle games.

Science :

We have been learning about the function and anatomy of skeletons and muscles.

Our Amazing Bodies!

In Science we have been learning about our amazing bodies! Pupils learnt the 5 kingdoms of life on Earth and the life processes we all share. This prompted some excellent questions such as: 'Is the sea alive?' and 'Is the sun alive?'.

We had a house competition to see which house could draw the most accurate human skeleton and then we compared them to a diagram of a skeleton together. The winners were.....AMAZON!

Making a splash!

Enjoying the final Swimming lesson of the year with some water polo and some jumping:

Well done year 4!

Here we are enjoying a well-deserved end-of-year class party!

It has been an excellent academic year with so many highlights. I hope that all of Year 4 has had a memorable and enjoyable year: I know I have! Pupils have worked fantastically as a team and shown kindness, positive attitudes and resilience.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for your support and encouragement; it has been a pleasure working in partnership with you. 

It is an exciting time in the school with many classes going into two-form entry. Pupils should be reminded that they will still have plenty of opportunities to work as a whole year group and their classrooms will be next door from each other. Having two classes with two teachers will create lots of opportunities for more activities and some healthy competition! Your child's class will be confirmed when we return in August.

Have a lovely break and enjoy these highlights from the year: