Week Fifteen

Year Four Weekly Update

Monday 11th December - Friday 15th December

Review (This week) 

English :  

We continued studying our class book- Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona of Mytilini: Captured and Sold as a Slave in Rome - AD 107.

We wrote letters as if we were Iliona to her brother, Apollo. We thought about what sort of things we might want to share and the layout and structure of a letter.

Maths : 

Telling the time, calculating the duration of events and estimating lengths of time. We had lots of fun seeing who could 'feel' how long a minute is and lots of practice reading analogue clocks.

Christmas Concert: 

A huge thank you and well done to Year 4 for their part in the Christmas Concert; you sounded fantastic on your recorders, as part of the school choir and congratulations to Arwen on her solo.

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who supported the children by attending the performance, tirelessly practising the recorder, learning lines and providing costumes.

Thank you to Ms Amp for co-ordinating and directing the performance and all of the staff who made the stage so Christmassy!

Parent Teacher Consultation Evening:

Preview (Next term)

Topic map Year 4 term 2.2 2018

We watched Year 6 erupting their volcanoes! It got us very excited for next term; Year 6 are writing instructions to help us make volcanoes!

Homework :



This week in Maths we have been focusing on telling the time and duration of events. The worksheet(s) need to be handed in but please continue to practise telling the time and calculating the duration of events over the 3 week break. 

e.g. How long is your favourite T.V. show? When does it start? What time does it finish?

Over the holidays:

*Don’t forget to practise your times tables daily; I will see who logs on to TT Rockstars! 

*Practise quick mental addition and subtraction over the holidays. Teach someone one of our card or dice games. Using money in the shops is also a great way to practise maths!

*I have set you some extra work on MyMaths that you can complete over the holidays.


English and Topic

After half term we will be continuing learning about the Romans with a focus of Pompeii, volcanoes and changing states in Science. Choose at least 1 of these homework options to complete by January 9th:

*Research and write 2 paragraphs about Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

*Research and write 2 paragraphs about volcanoes.

*Draw a labelled diagram or make a model of a volcano.

*Write a newspaper article about the ongoing volcano eruptions in Bali.




Reminders: Don’t forget to write in your Reading Record frequently! I will be awarding lots of house points to pupils who have kept up with their reading over the break! Start planning your outfits for our class assembly and Roman day on February 4th. Have a lovely time and I will see you in January. Miss Lockwood.