Week Nine

Year Five Weekly Update

Monday 29th October - Friday 2nd November

Review (This week) 

English :  Year 5 began their week by completing a reading comprehension paper of the first two chapters of Pinocchio. Following this, we then wrote to a persuasive letter to a food manager asking for advice on healthy eating. Our famous poem that we analysed (read and discussed) this week was, Monday’s Child is Fair of Face.  We have also started reading Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson in story time. To finish the week we we wrote an exciting story recount of chapter 4: The puppet show. Finally, in grammar we revised synonyms, antonyms (opposites) and apostrophes for omission and possession

Maths : In Maths this week we focused on the perimeter of both regular shapes and compound shapes and looked at the formula to work these out.

Science : This week we completed our Science topic by finding out about how a shadow is formed, looking at the different parts of the eye and then completed a test on this subject.

Topic : This week we finished our Mountains topic, summing up all previously learnt information as well as finishing off our paper- mache mountains. (Please see our amazing photos!)

Preview (Next week) 

English : Year 5 next week will begin with a reading comprehension of Chapter 4 and 5 of Pinocchio, improving their vocabulary of words such as analyse, evidence, compare. In addition, we will then write a narrative poem as Pinocchio and a letter to Mr Gepetto as Pinocchio using persuasive language.  Finally, we will continue our Treasure Island story by Robert Louis Stevenson. 

Maths :  In Maths next week will be learning about the area of shapes primarily focusing on regular shapes including squares, rectangles and triangles and will progress onto compound shapes. Towards the end of the week we will combine both this week and next weeks learnt information to tackle area and perimeter word problems

Topic :  For topic this week Year 5 will begin their exciting new History topic...Europe in the Middle Ages! This interesting period of history will give the children an insight into the differences in culture and time periods. 

Homework : 

Notices: We would really appreciate if you could make sure that when your child reads at home, whether independently or to someone, that a parent or guardian signs the Reading Records.