Week Eleven

Year Five Weekly Update

Monday 12th November - Friday 16th November

Review (This week) 

English :  Year 5 looked at comparitives and superlatives in their grammar, e.g. cute, cuter and cutest as well as revising suffixes and prefixes with the use of dictionaries. In extended writing they wrote a letter to Mr Gepetto as Pinocchio using persuasive language.  They continued reading our action/ adventure story Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson in  5H whilst 5B finished The Firework Makers Daughter by Phillip Pullman.

Maths :  This week in Maths we revisited statistics  through not only reading and interpreting line graphs and pie charts but also drawing them. As part of this, they also learnt how to use protractors. They also did some fantastic problem solving work on puzzles known as Einstein's riddles.

Topic: Year 5 continued to find out more about Europe in the Middle Ages, looking at how different lives where in comparison to how we live now. They collected information based on life within the city and countryside: what food people ate; people's homes; clothing and school.

Preview (Next week) 

English : Next week in English we will begin our new text King Arthur, which also links with our topic this half term

Maths : Next week within maths we will be revisiting area and perimeter, solidifying our knowledge of rectangles and compound shapes and extending this to working with other shapes such as parallelograms and circles. 

Science :  Year 5's second Science topic, States Of Matter, will begin next week. We will firstly assess what the students currently know and then carry out our first experiment.


Notices: We would really appreciate if you could make sure that when your child reads at home, whether independently or to someone, that a parent or guardian signs the Reading Records.