Week Twelve

Year Five Weekly Update

Monday Nov 13th - Friday Nov 17th

Review (This week) 

English : This week Year 5 completed their first draft of their recounts of the 'Running Free' chapter of A Butterfly Lion. Firstly we acted out the scenes (please see below), then completed it on a storyboard and then wrote them up into their English books. There was great use of adventurous adjectives and vocabulary used.                                           

Maths : This week Year 5 learnt how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 with decimals and whole numbers. In addition, they looked at finding a fraction amount of a whole number. e.g. 3/4 of 16 = 12.

Science : This week Year 5 explained the method of how they carried out their Science investigation, the effect of the amount water used in plant growth. After seven days, our plants have grown very quickly! (Please see the pictures below)

Preview (Next week) 

English :  Next week Year 5 will be writing their final draft of their 'running free' recount. In addition, they will learning how to include fronted adverbials and their different types.

Maths : We will be looking at dividing by grouping and the place value of decimal numbers.

Science : We will write up the results of our long yard bean Science experiments. 

Homework : 

-One piece from the homework grid. (In for next Friday) 

-10 spellings, adverbs of possibility (be given out Monday)

-Daily reading (at least 30 minutes - please make sure all children take home they dictionary and write down any word they don't understand in their reading records.


Each pupil needs to bring their P.E. kit on a Tuesday, their swimming kit on a Thursday their House top on a Friday.

If you need to discuss anything with me regarding your child's academic progress or any other concerns, please do come and see me before or after school any day. If you need a longer discussion, please email me for an appointment.

Kindergarten class is collecting used, washed 4-litre milk jugs for their igloo project. If you have any, please can you send them to KG classroom.

Have a great weekend.

David Hill

Year 5 Teacher