Week Seven

Year Five Weekly Update

Monday Oct 2nd - Friday Oct 6th

Review (This week) 

English :  Year 5 have worked really hard on their story adaptation of Mr Brown's Unlucky Day which we changed to Mr Brownie's horrible, terrible day! That involved amazing story ideas and fantastic vocabulary.

Maths :  Year 5 revised and looked at rounding large numbers to the nearest tenths and hundredths.

Science :  Year 5 discussed the different variations of plant types in our school and their features. 

Other :  We have worked very hard at performing our first poem of the year 'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen. They performed in their House groups on stage and are close to being able to  perform individually from memory. 

Preview (Next week) 

English :   Next week Year 5 will firstly change their 'Jack's Date' Speaking & Listening story into a different story that has a more exciting plot and twist at the end! We will then write a persuasion text for why people should buy a delicious, mouth-watering Kit-kat.  

Maths :  Year 5 will revise 2D and 3D shapes, looking at vertices, edges and faces as well as nets in mental maths. For Maths lessons we will look at ordering numbers up to 1,000,000 using the < and > signs and say when  a whole number is divisible by 2, 5, 10 or 100. 

Science :  We will describe the life processes in some plants and animals and learn how to dissect a plant to recognise its features. 

Other : Year 5 will perform their 'Chocolate Cake' poem for Year 3 and also listen to Year 3's story adaptions.

Homework :


Have a great weekend!

These are some of the pictures from Year 5 performing for our Butterfly Lion topic book from Michael Morpurgo. 

Here the white Lioness is being hunted by Berties' dad!