Zhou Linfel さん

所属 : 国際学部グローバル・イノベーション学科
学年 : 1年 国籍 : 中国
Mr. Zhou Linfei

Q.1  SDGsにご興味を持ったきっかけを教えてください。


Q.1  What motivated your interest in SDGs ?

I first learned about SDGs from the TV news programs when I was in elementary school.
In my part-time jobs after high school, I began to think about workers’ rights and fair compensation, and I became particularly interested in the working environment faced by youth.

Q.2  4月から入学して、どのような学生生活を送られていますか?


Q.2  How is your student life since joining Toyo University in April ?

I’m very much enjoying my student life. In particular, my professor who leads one of the classes I’m taking, is very intelligent and I’m learning many things. I also really like the cafeteria, where you can get a meal for 550yen. I’m currently staying at AI-House, where it’s a lot of fun with students from many countries. I also play soccer weekly with Japanese students.

Q.3  4年間でどのような力を身につけたいですか?今後の抱負をお聞かせください。


Q.3  What strengths do you want to develop during your studies ?

I’m interested in social analysis and would like to deepen my knowledge in this area during my four years of undergraduate studies.I feel that being able to deeply understand and analyze the society I live in will provide the ability to enrich society and my own life. As to my plans as an SDGs ambassador,I’d like to create a Vlog to enlighten people about youth labor issues. I think it would be great if we could cooperate with the Japanese SDGs ambassadors.