
渤海大学国)向けのWinter Programを実施しました

The Winter Program for Bohai University (China) was conducted



From January16th, 2024 to 31st, we hosted 19 students and 2 chaperon from Bohai University in China for a 2-week winter program.
Toyo University and Bohai University established an agreement in March 2022. Since the agreement was launched when the COVID 19 situation was improving, both universities decided to conduct a short program as our first major exchange.



In this program, students will intensively learn Japanese language, Japanese culture and society through Japanese language/Japanese culture classes and field trips.

In addition to fieldwork at famous tourist spots in Tokyo such as Asakusa, Boat Cruise and the TeamLab, the program includes various Japanese cultural experience programs such as traditional washi paper making, Japanese calligraphy and Food sampling. The students of the Calligraphy Club and Food Sampling Club helped cultural activities. In addition, several Toyo University students will accompany you during your fieldwork, and one of the attractive points of this program is that students will be able to experience cultural experiences with Toyo University students.

Field trip to Asakusa

Japanese Calligraphy 

Food Sampling Making

最終日に行ったFarewell Partyでは、渤海大学の学生からサプライズのプレゼントがありました。プログラムで習った日本語を使いながら、みんなで日本の歌を歌ってくれました。心温まるパーティーになりました。

At the Farewell Party, Bohai students gave Toyo members a surprise gift. They sang a Japanese song for Toyo members. It was a heartwarming party.

Farewell Partyの様子

By having Toyo University students participate as supporters in fieldwork and Japanese language classes, it has become a place for students from both universities to interact and learn. Not only students from Bohai University, but also Toyo University students who have joined as supporters can interact with each other. Although Japan and China, which share the same kanji, have many cultural similarities, there are also many differences, and the students from both universities seemed to be having fun trying to understand each other's different cultures..

本学学生と渤海大学学生の集合写真/Group photo of Bohai and Toyo students


The Center for Global Education and Exchange will continue to hold short programs, accept students from partner universities, provide opportunities to learn Japanese language and culture for students from overseas universities, and strive to promote the globalization of Toyo University. .