
Hartwick College(米国)向けのWinter Programを実施しました

The Winter Program for Hartwick College (USA) was conducted

2024年1月8日~28日、アメリカのHartwick Collegeから学生17名及び引率教員2名の計19名を受け入れ、3週間のウィンタープログラムを実施しました。

東洋大学とHartwick Collegeは2018年に協定を締結し、交換留学の学生交換やショートプログラムの受入など、様々な交流を実施しています。同大学のウィンタープログラムは3回目の受入になります。

From January 8th, 2024 to 28th, we hosted 17 students and 2 chaperon from Hartwick College in the USA for a 3-week winter program.
Toyo University and Hartwick College established an agreement in 2018 and have been actively conducting student exchanges. This is the third time I have accepted a short program from Hartwick College.


浅草や東京スカイツリーなどの東京の有名な観光地でのフィールドワークに加え、伝統的な和紙作り、餅つき、しめ縄づくりなど様々な日本文化体験プログラムが含まれています。Hartwick Collegeの学生達は様々な日本文化を興味深く体験しているようでした。フィールドワークには東洋大学の学生数人も同行し、東洋大学の学生と一緒に文化体験ができることも本プログラムの魅力的なポイントとなっています。

In this program, students will intensively learn Japanese language, Japanese culture and society through Japanese language/Japanese culture classes and field work.

In addition to fieldwork at famous tourist spots in Tokyo such as Asakusa and the Tokyo Sky Tree, the program includes various Japanese cultural experience programs such as traditional washi paper making, mochi pounding, and shimenawa rope making. The students at Hartwick College seemed to be experiencing various aspects of Japanese culture with great interest. Several Toyo University students will accompany you during your fieldwork, and one of the attractive points of this program is that students will be able to experience cultural experiences with Toyo University students.

Field trip to Asakusa

Making a traditional Japanese paper

Pounding Mochi

本学が実施するショートプログラムでは、インタラクティブな会話の練習のために、東洋大学の学生が日本語ボランティアとして授業に入ります。Hartwick Collegeの学生達は、習った日本語を使って東洋大学の学生と会話の練習を行いました。

フィールドワーク及び日本語の授業に東洋大学生がサポーターとして入ることで、両大学の学生の交流と学びの場となっており、Hartwick Collegeの学生だけではなく、サポーターとして入った東洋大学学生も交流を楽しんでいる様子が伺えました。
Toyo University students come to class as Japanese language volunteers to practice interactive conversation. Hartwick College students practiced conversation with Toyo University students using the Japanese they had learned.

By having Toyo University students participate as supporters in fieldwork and Japanese language classes, it has become a place for students from both universities to interact and learn. Not only students from Hartwick College, but also Toyo University students who have joined as supporters can interact with each other. I could see that they were enjoying themselves.


The Center for Global Education and Exchange will continue to hold short programs, accept students from partner universities, provide opportunities to learn Japanese language and culture for students from overseas universities, and strive to promote the globalization of Toyo University. .