Mathias Vlaemynck さん

所属 : 国際学部グローバル・イノベーション学科
学年 : 1年 国籍 : フランス
Mr. Mathias Vlaemynck

Q.1  SDGsにご興味を持ったきっかけを教えてください。


Q.1  What motivated your interest in SDGs ?

I first learned about the SDGs through the French educational system. Our world is very unequal and certain countries suer from hardships like water and food shortages more than others. People's lives are also threatened by environmental problems unfairly. I wish to raise awareness of these issues through my actions at Toyo University.

Q.2  4月から入学して、どのような学生生活を送られていますか?


Q.2  How is your student life since joining Toyo University in April ?

I am really enjoying my time here. The faculty, staff, and my fellow students are all very friendly. I was previously studying here as an exchange student, but I decided to apply for the SDGs Ambassador Program to study International Relations at Toyo. Now, I am able to spend more time on campus and enjoy socializing with friends at the ECZ and the cafeteria. I live at the Ai-House and it is very exciting to be able to meet with peoplefrom so many dierent countries and live with them.

Q.3  4年間でどのような力を身につけたいですか?今後の抱負をお聞かせください。


Q.3  What strengths do you want to develop during your studies ?

I want to be a leader who can be a light for other students. I am particularly interested in the topics of health, gender equality,cultural exchange, and information. Underthe guidance of Professor Fiona Sussan of the Department of Global Innovation Studies in the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies,I am working on activities that utilize social media. In the future, I would like to work in Japan and make use of the three languages that I speak as much as possible.