The 3rd All Toyo University English Speech Contest Held

Report on the 3rd All Toyo University English Speech Contest


今回のテーマは「What does the term “Global Human Resource” mean to you? ~Please draw on your own goals and experiences in your response.~」


The All Toyo University English Speech Contest was held on Saturday November 4, 2017, during the Toyo University Festival.

This year’s theme was “What does the term Global Human Resource mean to you? ~Please draw on your own goals and experiences in your response~”.

Eleven finalists, one selected from each faculty at the four campuses (Hakusan, Asaka, Kawagoe and Itakura) delivered speeches in English on the theme in connection with their chosen subject such as globalization, law, food, and communication. 


Introduction of winners


First prize

最優秀賞は理工学部の土屋 諒真さん。

A Biomedical Engineering Superheroと題し、世界中で問題視される貧困、環境汚染、戦争について問題提起をし、映画の中のスーパーヒーローのように現在学んでいる生体工学を活かして社会問題解決に貢献していきたいと、力強く意思表明しました。

Mr. Ryoma Tsuchiya of the Faculty of Science and Engineering won first prize.

In his speech titled “A Biomedical Engineering Superhero,” he raised global issues such as poverty, environmental pollution and conflict, and strongly expressed his strong determination to contribute, like a movie superhero, to solving social problems through the application of biochemical engineering. 

Second prize

優秀賞は法学部の星野 瞳さん。
Developing our capacity to tackle global challengesと題し、現在社会で求められているグローバルな人材は英語のスコアばかりにとらわれ、実際に活躍できるグローバル人財と異なるのではないか、それは日本の教育・指導方法にテストのスコアを重要視する傾向があるためではないか、と問題提起をしました。留学等、実際に海外で生活を送る経験をすることで、真のグローバル人財に必要な英語でのコミュニケーション能力を身に付けることが可能となると熱弁しました。 

Ms. Hitomi Hoshino of the Faculty of Law won second prize.

In her speech titled “Developing Our Capacity to Tackle Global Challenges,” she pointed out that global human resources currently required in society are not those who score highly on English tests but those who can actually participate in the global community actively. She raised the question that the reason why too much focus is placed on English scores is because Japanese education and teaching methods tend to attach great importance to test scores. 

Third prize

第3位はライフデザイン学部の山崎 駿介さん。

What makes us global?”と題し、スピーチを行いました。


Mr. Shunsuke Yamazaki of the Faculty of Human Life Design won third prize.

He gave a speech titled “What Makes Us Global?”

He passionately explained that through the experience of studying and living abroad, students can acquire the English communication skills needed to become a true global human resource.


協賛いただいた企業等の中から公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会様、株式会社イーオン様に特別審査員として特別賞を審査いただきました。

“英検賞”の受賞者は、食環境科学部の長原 まりもさん。
タイトルは”Global Human Resources Look Like Good Chefs”

“イーオン賞”の受賞者は、社会学部の若林 茉優さん。
タイトルは”My enlightened views on being a global human resource”






全学生のスピーチ終了後、審査員を務めたLEAP(Learning English for Academic Purposes)教員より、講評として「毎年スピーチや発表のレベルが上がっており、どの学生のスピーチも刺激的で素晴らしかった」と賞賛の言葉が寄せられました。

Special Judges Awards

Special Judges Awards were presented for the first time this year.
The Eiken Foundation of Japan and Aeon Corporation among our sponsor organizations acted as special judges and presented the special awards.
Marimo Nagahara of the Faculty of Food and Nutritional Sciences won the Eiken Award with her speech titled “Global Human Resources Look like Good Chefs.”
Mahiro Wakabayashi of the Faculty of Sociology won the Aeon Award with her speech titled “My Enlightened Views on Being a Global Human Resource.”
It was a valuable opportunity for the students to give speeches to a large audience.

General comment

This year marked the third contest with 54 entrants. After the preliminaries, 11 finalists were selected, one from each faculty, to compete in the final.

The venue was set up and prepared by students of the Faculty of Regional Development Studies, who provided operational support in English on the day. One of the students also acted as master of ceremonies

At the beginning of the contest, the university’s Chairman Fukukawa offered words of encouragement for the students to deliver speeches with confidence. He also expressed gratitude for the attendance of all audience members, including sponsor organizations and faculty members.

After all speeches, a LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes) program instructor, who acted as a judge, commented and praised the speeches, saying, “Every year the quality of speeches and presentations improve. All speeches today were wonderful and inspiring.”



The winners received book cards as well as extra prizes from sponsor organizations. All finalists received sponsor gifts as a participation award, including free lesson tickets, books (such as IELTS and TOEFL textbooks) and rice coupons.

 At the end of the contest, Associate Professor Green Steven of the Global Career Education Center expressed his admiration for the great effort and enthusiasm of the students and conveyed his gratitude to the faculty members who provided such valuable guidance to the students.

【決勝出場者】 ※発表順


Kia DeCou講師 (LEAP教員)
Robert Morel講師 (LEAP教員)
Matt Wilson講師 (LEAP教員)

[Finalists] * In order of presentation

Title: What You Really Need to Become a Global Human Resource

Title: What makes us global?

Title: What I Discovered in the Study Abroad Program

Title: Expressing Own Opinion Is Crucial for Global Communication

Title: My Enlightened Views on Being a Global Human Resource 

Title: Break Your Prejudices

Title: A Tender Heart Is a Ticket to the Other Hearts and Dreams

Title: Global Human Resources Look like Good Chefs

Title: A Biomedical Engineering Superhero

Title: Developing Our Capacity to Tackle Global Challenges

Title: Our Fabulous Captains