Yim Hyunsun さん

所属 : 総合情報学部総合情報学科
学年 : 1年 国籍 : 韓国
Ms. Yim Hyunsun

Q.1  SDGsにご興味を持ったきっかけを教えてください。


Q.1  What motivated your interest in SDGs ?

I learned about the SDGs in a Korean lesson in my first year of high school. I have always been interested in social issues, and I alsocollected donations for people suering from poverty in Africa. When I saw the call for Toyo University’s SDGs Ambassador Program, I was certain that I wanted to try out for it.

Q.2  4月から入学して、どのような学生生活を送られていますか?

東洋大学での学生生活はとても充実しています。川越キャンパスでもAI Houseの寮内でも日本人や留学生の友達ができました。また、「学ボラ」というボランティア活動をする学生サークルと、「べジプロ東洋」というビーガン食を学食に取り入れる活動をしている学生サークルに入りました。日本人SDGsアンバサダーと協力して、活動をしていきたいです。

Q.2  How is your student life since joining Toyo University in April ?

Students at Toyo University enjoy a very enriched lifestyle. I have been able to make friends among Japanese and international students both on the Kawagoe Campus and in the dormitory, AI-House. I also joined Gakuvolu, a student group that engages in volunteer activities, and Vegepro Toyo, a student group that is working to add vegan meals to the cafeteria. I hope to cooperate in activities with Japanese SDGs Ambassadors.

Q.3  4年間でどのような力を身につけたいですか?今後の抱負をお聞かせください。



Q.3  What strengths do you want to develop during your studies ?

My reason for entering the Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts was because I wanted to learn programming. I believe IT skills will be needed in all industries with the digitization of society. In the future, I am interested in making use of IT and using online technology to provide educational opportunities to children who cannot receive education. As an initiative to increase recognition of the SDGs within the university, I want to make the most of my strengths as a South Korean person and interview companies that are contributing to the SDGs in South Korea so that I can introduce them in Japan. In addition, there is a social issue that many children in poor households in Japan cannot eat three meals a day, so I hope to be able to conduct volunteer activities to support children.