Creative Media

At Tomlinscote in Year 10 and 11 we offer a BTEC Tech Award Level in Creative Media Production. This has been offered to all KS4 students since 2018. We have developed a scheme of learning with the iPad at the core to support learning.

The course is broken into 3 sections. iPad is used throughout each section of the course to develop the skills and knowledge required. iPad has revolutionised the way we deliver the course and has enabled us to become a completely paperless department. The use of Google Workspaces, including Classroom, Docs and Slides enables all students to collaborate, complete and hand in work for assessment without any paper use at all.

Camera work

In the Autumn and Winter terms of their first year, students develop the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to complete the course. Part of this is understanding camera shots, angles and movement. The use of the built in camera on iPad allows all students to practice these different camera movements independently. Students develop an understanding of composition through the use of the camera grid and are then able to show their knowledge by easily annotating and sharing photos. Students use markup to deepen understanding and application of techniques. In this first term they also get to grips with using iMovie. iMovie is a great starting platform for students to develop editing skills that would be required later in the year. Students have the opportunity to create short films that demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of camera work and editing in a short space of time and with ease.

Visual presentations

In the Spring term, students move onto their first coursework element which tests their theoretical knowledge. To ensure all learners are able to access the grade descriptors students are given the opportunity to create a visual presentation as well as a written essay. Some students find this easier to express their understanding through an audio and visual platform. First students write the essay based around different media products, their audience and purpose. After this, all students use iMovie or Clips to create their visual presentation. iMovie allows students to record their own voice discussing the key elements and accompany this with visual imagery to support their points and provide clear examples. This method has helped those who may struggle to express themselves in a written format to access all the grades available in the BTEC course.

Foley sound effects with GarageBand

Following on from this into the summer term, students begin their journey into the practical component. Again iPad is paramount in enabling students to complete this independently and with success. Although for this component, students are encouraged to use the specified camera and editing equipment the iPad provides a secondary level of equipment to support students creativity. Throughout this component, students partake in workshops again in camerawork, lighting and sound. Again for camerawork and lighting, students can use the camera function to record their understanding through both photographs and video footage. In the sound workshops, students will undertake a Foley workshop creating their own sound effects. The iPad is used to record their experimentation. Students can use a number of recording apps and GarageBand. This enables students to create and listen to sounds, edit if needed and then export for use in the creation of their short films as part of their coursework.

Throughout the second year, students continue to use the iPad to aid their coursework. In the coursework exam students are guided to use Premiere Pro as a platform for their editing. However, not all students find using this editing software easy. iMovie allows us to differentiate the editing software allowing all students to achieve the best possible outcomes in the coursework exam.

As part of learning at Tomlinscote, students are encouraged to develop peer and self feedback. Some students can struggle to provide constructive feedback in written format. At times, throughout the course, students use Voice Memos on iPad to record conversations about feedback. This way students can have open conversations about their work and what they need to improve. Students can then review the recording and then produce written feedback for either themselves or a peer. It allows students to be open and honest about their own and others work.

In the future we will be developing students skills in using Adobe on iPad. Students now have access to Adobe Photoshop. Students can therefore use this to create images that could then be used in their short films and trailers that are vital to the completion of two sections of their coursework.

Creative Media relies heavily on the use of iPad. It is fundamental in allowing students independence, providing individual filming tools, helping to create a paperless classroom and overall providing accessibility for all learners of any ability to access and achieve their potential in this BTEC Key Stage 4 course.