In The News

Featuring The Tomball Independent School District Student Support Department

Larry Ferlazzo with Amy Gaines, Ann Lê, Ann Stiltner and Elizabeth Stein As we gear up for another round of pandemic teaching and learning, we zero in on what will be needed to support students who learn differently. Follow on Twitter: @fromrooma212 @amygdalayo @ElizabethLStein @TStudentsupport @SHSUHIED @larryferlazzo @jonHarper70bd@bamradionetwork
Click above to read about the importance of supporting school staff health and well-being across the nation, including Tomball ISD.

Co-Author, Eileen Garza: "An opportunity to brag on our TISD students and their ability to self advocate to have their learning needs met. Great collaboration between K-12, university and geriatric providers looking across the lifespan."