FFSS Course Selection
Review the dates below to see when your Course Selection presentations are occuring:
Student Considerations when Pathway Planning:
Student Considerations When Pathway Planning:
Student Considerations when Pathway Planning:
Areas of strength, successes, learning style, interests, and passions (consider trying the Xello “matchmaker” inventory)
Future career aspirations: Students are encouraged to access Xello (an online career planning tool) to help them explore career options that align with their strengths and interests.
Post-secondary programming that provides access to that career (apprenticeship/college/community/university/workplace)
High school prerequisite courses needed to pursue post-secondary programs, if applicable (apprenticeship/college/university)
Consider an experiential learning program like CO-OP, OYAP, Dual Credit or SHSM
Student learning skills and work habits, as an established pattern and into the future, to help determine how effort, perseverance, and resilience play a part in long-term plans
Consider taking courses in different pathways
(academic, applied, college, locally-developed, open, university, workplace)
Have all invested parties been included in the transition planning process where applicable (Community Living, Developmental Services Ontario, etc)?
Does the Pathway Plan align with a student's Transition Plan developed as part of their IEP, if applicable?
Ms. Lindsay
Supporting students with last names that start with A-L
Ms. McKnight
Supporting students with last names that start with M-Z