
「Thai Re-discover」 by 6th grader in Thai Japanese Association School 


サイトの説明 Explanation of this site




そこで,この度は「Amazing Thailand様」にご協力いただき,このようなサイトを掲示していただけることとなりました。ぜひ,児童の頑張りをご覧いただけたらと思います。また,ご覧になられた後は,ご感想をフォームにてご入力いただけたら幸いです。頂いたご感想を,これからの学習に生かしてまいります。

最後に,今回ご協力いただいたAmazing Thailand様にこの場をお借りしまして感謝申し上げます。


This site is a site where you can access "Thai Re-Discovery" created by 6th grader student in Thai Japanese Association school.

6th graders went on a school trip in December and discovered the charms of Thailand. We had studied about Thailand before the trip in order to discover the various attractions of the country. After actually going to Thailand, We were able to deepen their learning by confirming the questions we had and making new discoveries.

At the stage of summarizing what they learned as post-learning, the students voiced their desire to convey this appeal to people outside the school.

Therefore, this time, with the cooperation of "Amazing Thailand", we have been able to post such a site. We hope that you will be able to see the efforts of the children. Also, after reading it, we would appreciate it if you could fill in the form with your impressions. We will make use of impression that we had for future study.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Amazing Thailand for their cooperation.

All the teachers of the 6th grader



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