典禮程序 Programme

一. 嘉賓進場

二. 升旗儀式

三. 常為你鼓舞

四. 文藝匯演<Tivoli Cheer>

五. 總校長致歡迎詞

六. 主禮嘉賓致訓勉詞

七. 授憑儀式

八. 頒發獎項

九. 全體畢業生合唱

十. 向嘉賓致謝

1. Guests of Honour Enter the Auditorium

2. Flag Raising Ceremony

3. Cheer for the graduates

4. Graduates’ Performances: Tivoli Cheer

5. Welcome Speech from the Chief Principal

6. Speech from our Guest of Honour

7. Presentation of Certificates

8. Presentation of Awards

9. Graduation Songs

10. Acknowledgement of Guests