Ms. Bell's Classes




Codes for my Google Classrooms:

English and Intervention


Tutoring is offered Tuesday and Thursdays in the morning @ 6:40-7:15 am. Arrangements need to be made in advance please.

My Schedule

ODD Day                                                        EVEN Days

1st-English I &Eng. III                                1st-Intervention

2nd- 12th Intervention                            2nd-English IV

3rd-English II                                                3rd-Planning

4th-VAP Intervention                                 4th-9th Intervention

Contact information-  The school phone number 901-840-9400, please leave me a message and I will return your call after school. I do not usually check email on the weekends and holidays. I will check it first thing upon returning. 

The VAP department will be using a group text messaging system (Remind 101) to convey important information. The sign-up instructions will be sent home the first week of school.

If your student has my English class, we will be reading the series The Kane Chronicles or Percy Jackson.  The student does not need to purchase a book; I have already bought them.  We will do activities to accompany the novels in addition to chapter quizzes. We will also have weekly vocabulary quizzes. I give five words a day and then we quiz the third day over the ten new words, please study with your child. 

Cellphone policy-  the students will be allowed to use their phones between classes, lunch, and before and after school. During those times they may have one earbud in to listen to music. As far as classroom time, we are enforcing the school policy that phones are to be stored in a book bag or purse during instructional time. If a student violates this policy their phone will be taken up and turned into the office with a referral. I will make contact after the school day to notify a parent/guardian. I do plan for them to use their Chromebooks daily, so please either leave them at school for us to charge or send them fully charged. They will also need a set of earbuds or headphones for their Chromebook.

My classroom expectations for students are for them to BE: prompt, prepared, polite (the golden rule), and productive. 

Consequences: re-direct student, private conference, move their seat, contact home ASAP, office referral (the last one can be the first option if behavior warrants) 

Grading policy- All grades are counted equally and will be a combination of daily work, quizzes, and tests. 


-Nose piercings are now permitted, holes in the jeans from the knee down, as well as knee- length shorts and leggings.

-Students are only allowed a parent note as an excuse for a missing class a total of six times the entire school year.

-Students can only be checked out by a phone call a total of five times the entire school year, then they must come in and sign them out.