An Interdisciplinary Analysis of gender-based discrimination in Translation Technology 

13h-17h - 28th of November
AZ209, Academia Building, Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 205, Tilburg University 

An Interdisciplinary Analysis of gender-based discrimination in Translation Technology

We invite you to join us on the 28th of November at the Academia Building of Tilburg University for a hybrid half-day event exploring gender-based discrimination in translation technology through the lenses of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Law.

Project members from each discipline will present their research, followed by an invited talk from a leading expert. The event will conclude with a round-table discussion, offering an opportunity for attendees to participate in stimulating conversations on this important topic.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required. To attend, please fill in the registration form by the 26th of November.

We look forward to your participation, whether in person or online!
Eva, Seunghyun and Hanna

Organisers/Project Members/Presenters

Eva Vanmassenhove

Seunghyun Song

Hanna Lukkari

Invited Speaker

Fabian Lütz


Sonja Siebeneicher

Annick Backelandt 


Beatrice Savoldi

Jasmijn Bastings

Luisa Bentivogli


Contact: e.o.j.vanmassenhove@tilburguniversity