

Residing in dormitory allows students more flexible time management and balance among their various areas of engagement including academic study, activities and rest.
More importantly, we believe that students can truly achieve whole-person development through dormitory education which includes communication and interpersonal skills.

Wardens, teachers and tutors work together to take care of the boarders. While study period and free period are part of the daily routines, group activities such as festive celebration, High Table Dinner and many more educational and social events are also held by the Boarders’ Union and the Wardens.

The ultimate goals of the dormitory education are self-discipline and self-management. With these necessary qualities, we prepare adolescents to grow up as responsible and competent adults.
The goals are never easy and students do struggle from time to time. With the unique dormitory experiences and support of all staff in the dormitory, I have full confidence that all boarders will live an enjoyable, fruitful and unforgettable school life in Ti-I and emerge as future leaders.


Thanksgiving Dinner

Orientation Day


We welcome our students to join our big dormitory family.

For inquiries, please contact our wardens: 

*Interview(s) will be arranged to assess whether a student is ready for boarding and receiving the education in our Dormitory.