Understanding and working with AI

Putting theory into practice

The first month of 2024 was in part dedicated to learning about AI and putting those lessons into practice. We had a dual approach to this where we took the oldest group of students and had them go through both theory and project based lessons. 

Understanding AI - The theory

In order to better understand AI we decided it would be necessary to discuss AI as both an integrated aspect of our present and future reality with a promise projected to alter the way our societies function and interact forever.

Working with AI - Practical knowledge

It is important to cement theory with practice and this month the oldest students went through an AI driven project meant to show them how AI can be put into practical use during their study and working lives.

Planning the lesson

Putting our preaching into practice we enlisted the help of OpenAI's ChatGPT's 4th version to assist us in creating a lesson plan on the topic of AI and its impact on society. The plan was to have AI teach about AI in most ways outside of lesson execution itself.

To begin with we fed the AI with a selection of prompts asking the generator to prioritise and suggest the most important topics for teenagers learning about AI.  The AI itself suggested that we focus on the topics of AI philosophy, its current integration into society and future impact. 

With that in mind we prompted ChatGPT 4 to create a lesson plan, in Icelandic, intended for Icelandic teenagers learning about AI with the AI's own suggested topics in mind.

AI and creativity

The students were divided into groups of 3-4 and given the project of creating a fun, educational or instructional video with the help of AI. 

The groups could decide upon a topic within the given perimeters and the theme of the project product but they had to utilize AI in both the creative and practical process.

Presenting the lesson

Using the AI's own discussion points we then took to Tome, an AI powered presentation generator, and after being given the appropriate prompts the generator built a presentation complete with both informative discussion point and freshly generated images that the AI believed fitted each slide's topic.

As we had prompted the AI to build the presentation in Icelandic there were several flaws in the presented language. We decided to keep them there as an example of the limits of AI and its perceived perfection.

The process

After deciding upon a topic and theme the groups were instructed to use the free version of ChatGPT's version 3.5. 

Working together on finding and using appropriate prompts the students used the AI generator to create a full script covering their topic and chosen theme.

Some students worked with both the capabilities of the AI and its limits by getting a rough but imperfect script generate and then fixing it themselves while others used the imperfections themselves to make a point about the limits of current AI.

Executing the lesson

The lesson was in practice a part of the students' sociology lesson where it fits very well into the current curriculum.

By following the AI's proposed lesson plan and using the AI generated presentation the teenagers went through a teacher led discussion about the origin of AI, its capabilities and predicted impact on the future, philosophical and ethical questions about what AI is, could and should be as well as their own views, hopes and fears on the relevant topics.

All images used in the presentation as well as generated images on this site are made using the ChatGPT4's image generator technology.


Project product

Here is an example of some of the students' work as a video about AI and its possibilities.

This particular group decided to use the script as the AI generator presented it without fixing phrasing or going over factual inconsistencies. 

At the end of the video they explained that the obvious faults were an example of the chosen AI's limits. Although the video is in Icelandic it should be apparent to the viewer that the students had considerable difficulty making sense of some of the AI's text.