Programming with Micro:Bit

Programming with Micro:Bit

This February our students had the opportunity to work with Micro:Bit, an open source hardware devoloped in partnership with the BBC in order to create a method of teaching children about computer science in an easily understood and accessible way.


The hardware comes with several available modifications and sensors that combined with a user friendly programming software makes it ideal for a lesson on the diverse and practical applications of computer science.


The Micro:Bit hardware itself is small and with the addition of a battery the lesson can turn mobile; the use of bluetooth technology means that personal devices such as an iPhone could become the programming tool driving the lesson.

For this lesson however the students used simple laptops that could easily be connected to through the use of a USB cable.


Using the accompanying website and its user friendly programming platform the students were able to learn about different uses of the Micro:Bit hardware. 

The platform includes a wide variety of information, both text based as well as through videos, with instructions and inspiration on Micro:Bit's capabilities and uses.


While the platform has fantastic instructions its main strength lies in its user friendly programming interface that lead the students through a process that they were already familiar with through other coding platforms such as 

The programming process concluded with a quick and easy transfer of instructions to the actual hardware which insured the students experience was both interactive and intuitive.