Filtering on your map

Setting your filters in the Mapping Sheets add-on

In the add-on sidebar you must set the main Filter and also optionally (basic and premium) define any additional filters. 

There are also optional filters you can configure in the add-on Preferences > Filters, Map sections.

Main Filter

Additional Filters

The number of additional filters is set under the add-on Preferences > Filters. It is zero by default, so you have to change that number before being able to use them.

Optional Filters

Under the add-on Preferences (several sections) there are a few other optional filters to choose and configure, like the following and others to come

Read more details under the Filter section from the Preferences support page

Using your filters in the Mapping web app

The filters available on each map depends on the options set by the map's owner under the Mapping Sheets add-on Preferences.

When viewing your map, you would have all your filters on the left, from top to bottom in several sections like: Find a place, Search, Main Filter, Additional Filters, Shapes, Find me

The filtering logic works as follow

Assuming you have set all the possible filters, find some details below as how they would show in the Mapping web app Filters section on the left, from top to bottom and a screenshot at the end on how they work for a specific filters combination

Find a Place (a location)

It is a special text input where you can start typing and it would show a list with any matching places or addresses within the current map view port. The list will be sorted as they best match what you are typing. This is a feature powered by Google Maps Api

The screenshot below is showing the best matches as just typing 'to' in that input box. 

Search (text)

It is a text input box that filters the locations on the map, as you type there

Main Filter

The main filter will be a list of check-boxes with the unique values under the column you choose as Filter in the sidebar

Additional Filters

The additional filters could be of several types, as listed below (some of them might not be available yet)

Find me, Follow me (my location)

It would work in a similar way as "Find a Place", just that Place will be the current user's location on the map.

Shapes Filters (∗)

Drawing shapes on the map with the option to filter locations within

See more details and examples on this post.

Buffer Route/Trip Filters (∗)

Set a buffer area around a route with the option to filter locations within

The map screenshot on the right is showing a buffer area around a route

See more details and examples on this post.

Combining several Filters on your map

On below screenshot we are using several filter sections and the map is showing the locations (33 out of 101) that passes the specific filters combination:

Background Notes (TL;DR)

required values and format, not too many unique values ... 

how it works? async, debounce, order, etc