Pedagogy, Assessment, Integrity

Student success

Suggestions for improving learning in a remote context

General pedagogy and advice

Improving your teaching in a remote or online context

Best Practices: Online Pedagogy (Teach Remotely, Harvard University)

Effective Teaching Online (practical tips from successful practitioners)

Assessment in an online or remote context: guidance on best practice

Improving your assessment techniques

Exams: Who are we leaving out? (BCCampus, J. Caldwell)

End of term summative assessment approach (helpful breakdwon from University of Saskatchewan)

Assessment Strategies for Online Learning (Dianne Conrad and Jason Openo, Athabasca University)

Toward Better Assessments in Online Courses (Q&A with Dianne Conrad, Medicine Hat College, and Jason Openo, Athabasca University)

Moving your exam online (flowchart to walk you through the steps)

Institutional support pages

Links to teaching and learning centres (TLCs)