PhalloFILL is a safe method for enhancing the size of the penis. PhalloFILL uses a special technique that allows experienced injectors to dramatically increase the size and shape of your penis. 

Prior, surgery was rarely an option for girth enhancement. PhalloFILL has evolved to become a reliable and consistently effective method of achieving significant size enhancements. 

PhalloFILL is a proven and safe way to enhance the size of your male genital area. We have treated hundreds of men who are unhappy with their manhood. PhalloFILL is a safe and effective way to enhance the girth of the penis and improve its shape. This can result in subtle but noticeable changes in the shape of the penis or in huge and visible changes in the position of the penis. PhalloFILL works well to enlarge the natural penis as much as 1/8 to 1/3 inch. Depending on the area, you may not have any problems with the shape or direction of the hyaline pillar. 

PhalloFILL Enlarges the Size of the Penis by filling it with hyaluronic acid injections.

PhalloFILL can give you an increase in the size of your penis by using hyaluronan injections. The injected HA is absorbed into the skin and slowly reabsorbed to increase the size of the enlarged areas. PhalloFILL uses FDA approved fillers proven successfully for over 20 years. Many men who have had their hyaluronic acid filler treatments have seen improvements in their girth. It can take 2-3 treatments to achieve a girth increase of 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch. You will be able to gain about 1/2 to 1 inch of extra penis girth with 2 treatments or more if you have 3 treatments.

This has proven to be the most successful HA enhancement technique on the market. We are extremely proud of the way we can get significant girth augmentations that look amazing and feel comfortable. The results speak for their own.

Girth enhancement, Chicago
Girth enhancement, Chicago
Girth enhancement, Chicago
Girth enhancement, Chicago