Changes to the progress model
Please watch the above video which explains what these key changes are and the reasons we have made these decisions.
In summary the key changes we are making are:
We will formally report to you twice per academic year on your child's progress. In addition to this, we will hold parents’ evenings and information evenings spread throughout the year. You will also have access to live information in go4schools on an ongoing basis.
We are no longer using the progress bands in KS3 of (Beginning, Approaching, Secure and Exceeding) or attitude to learning scores.
When we report to you, you will receive 4 key pieces of information about each subject:
1 Performance Indicator (from 1-9 consistent with GCSE grades)
3 Learning Indicators - This will provide more specific information about your child's Independent Learning, Homework & Organisation and Presentation.
We will no longer issue formal academic targets in KS3, instead we will just report performance to you objectively and not as a progress measure. Students in KS4 and 5 will still receive targets as they progress through their courses.
Lastly, we intend to support you with more information at reporting points (known as learning cycles) about precisely what has been studied across subject areas and how students have been assessed in the aim of better equipping you to interpret performance data.
To help explain each of these changes in full, we have prepared a series of videos available to parents and students to better understand why we have made these choices and how we hope it can better support you in interpreting your child’s progress.