Year 6M

Autumn 2

Click on the Subjects below to see what Year 6M have been doing this term


Having looked at the bulk of the geometry units earlier in the year, this half term we have focused our attention onto the place value and operation units.

We worked hard to solidify our understanding of numbers within 10,000,000 and then applied this knowledge to the four operations.

Within both the place value and operations units we not only developed our fluency skills but worked hard to reason and problem solve throughout the lessons.

A long side our usual maths lessons, we have worked hard to improve our times table knowledge, working through the superhero challenges as best we could.


This year we have read The Giant’s Necklace, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets.

So far this year, we have written: a setting description, a diary entry, a newspaper article, a setting description and a narrative piece of writing.

At Christmas, we completed a narrative piece of writing using the ‘Coming Home’ Waitrose advert. This gave a chance to engage in some visual literacy.

We are about to start Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban as our whole class reader and will be looking at The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas after Christmas in English.

In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, we have revised all of the things previously taught to us (in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5) to enable us to apply them in our writing in Year 6.


This year in Science, we have looked at Inheritance and Evolution, as well as Animals including Humans.

We began, by identifying how animals are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and then looked at how plants also adapt to suit their environments.

We then looked at inheritance and characteristics that can be inherited and those that are impacted by our environment.

For Animals including Humans, we looked at the circulatory system and watched a video all about hearts. We then labelled a diagram of the heart and identified all of the different parts that make up the circulatory system.

After this, we investigated different food groups and found out why a variety of foods was essential for a healthy diet.


This year in DT, we looked at seasonality and making a seasonal meal.

We began by looking at what seasonality is and reared, caught and processed foods.

We then taste tested some different seasonal fruits and vegetable and evaluated how they tasted.

After this, we created two design ideas for our design criteria and then chose a final design.

We then made our seasonal meals using a range of ingredients and evaluated them afterwards.


This term in Computing we looked at scrolling games using Scratch as the medium.

We began by looking at algorithms and then planned the game that we would like to make.


This half term we have focused on both improving our fitness and our gymnastics skills.

Across both areas the main focus of lessons has been to improve or core strength as well as stamina to be active for longer. In gymnastics, we have also developed our balancing skills.


In Music we have been working hard with Mrs Reeves and Mr Smith to form a class band.

We are using a range of different instruments to do this.

Religious Education

The half term we looked a variety of different charitable causes. Our main focus was around Christian Aid and Islamic Relief.

We also supported the local church by designing an advert poster to ask people to donate money.


This year in History, we have looked at the Victorians. During these lessons, we began by using historical sources to make inferences about the Victorian era. We also looked at important Victorian inventions and studied the industrial revolution in detail. We then wrote a non-chronological report about health, disease and medicine in Victorian Britain. For Black History Month, we wrote a fact file about a prominent figure in black history (Malcom X).


This year in Geography, we have looked at Our Changing World (Coasts).

During these lessons, we looked at weathering and learnt about the different types of weathering that can take place.

We also looked at erosion

We then looked at how bays, headlands and coasts are formed and their different features.


In PSHE this half term, we have covered a variety of different topics, from looking at how to improve ourselves to more topical themes that have been part of the news recently.

In has been a pleasure to discuss these topics with Year 6, who have shown a maturity beyond their years when giving opinions on some difficult subjects.