Year 4P

Autumn 2

Click on the Subjects below to see what Year 4P have been doing this term


In maths our focus has been place value. We learned about rounding to the nearest, 10, 100 and 1,000. This was very tricky but using the dash and dot method has really helped us to improve with this! We were able to compare 4 digit numbers and explain why a number was bigger, smaller or the same. We have used lots of pictorials to help us, such as, number lines, where we could find the range and intervals between two numbers. We realised that our whole life at school has been a big lie and we were very surprised to find that there is something called negative numbers and negative number lines! We used this to answer problem solving questions. We also finally found out what the X's, V's and I's were all about...something called Roman numerals! Next term, we will look at addition and subtraction.


We have learnt lots in English this term. We have looked at what non-chronological reports are, focused on poetry and learnt lots about grammar.

In grammar we have learnt about expanded noun phrase, which makes our Miss Edwards and Mr Patel say wow to our writing. We have also looked at the correct use of apostrophes for contraction and possession. We also looked at singular, plurals and plural possessions, this was really hard!

Our focus on poetry was a looking at a Christmas poem, we even wrote one ourselves.


This term we have been learning all about the three states of matter. It was amazing to find that there are really small things called molecules, this determines if something is solid, liquid or gas.

We carried out lots of experiments, our favourite was blowing up a balloon using a fizzy bottle of pop! We have learnt lots of new language and been able to share this in our Floor book for science.

Art & DT

We decided to continue with our topic on torches as we wanted to complete these. We were shown what a prototype was as well as learning about making choices for the torches that we were going to make.

From our first plans we modified our designs after careful evaluation. The final piece that we produced was the second prototype, the first prototype was there to show us how we were going to make the design as well as how it would feel.


This term we have looked at Lego Wedo. This is all about building a Lego model and then using a program to control what happens like kicking a ball, making a crocodile open and close its mouth etc.

The hard bit was putting everything back into their boxes, there were lots of pieces for us to find and organise. This has been our first unit covering programming and we will build on this.


PE has been very tiring, we were engaged in circuit training, this meant lots of running, moving and lots of getting tired. Some of the circuits we had were team based, this meant that we had to ensure that the whole team kept up with the pace, it wasn't about finishing first.

We learnt that to have a healthy body and mind it is important to exercise. When we exercised we noticed our breathing got faster and or hearts began to race. After the 6 weeks we were able to last longer and carry on compared to when we first started, this showed that our fitness levels had gone up.


In music, we have been able to piece our clarinet together. This was really difficult, as the pieces are tiny but Mr Smith showed us how to use the oil to make the pieces go on easier.

We have now been able to play our instruments outside and have been learning how to blow and make a tune from the clarinets. This is much harder than it looks! We are aiming to be in tune and playing recognisable songs at the Church next year, this is our challenge!

Religious Education

This term we have looked at Christmas Journeys, we were really surprised that Bethlehem was actually in between Israel and Jerusalem. We loved hearing the Nativity story and learning about Mary and Joseph's amazing journey to Bethlehem! We couldn't believe that Mary rode all the way on a donkey, whilst poor Joseph had to walk! I bet he had sore feet. Also, we used Google maps to find what Bethlehem looked like and we could even go explore down the streets too! We learnt about the different people in the Nativity story and we could think about how they must have felt on their journey and about the arrival of Jesus. We used hot seating (someone pretending to be Mary and Joseph) to answer questions about the journey to Bethlehem.



This term we have been looking at Greece and its amazing architecture. We have found out where Greece is in the World and we are now familiar with the continents of the world. Did you know that there are 7 continents? Can you name name?

We have also looked at the climate of Greece and found out that it is a lot warmers and dryer than ... England, brrrrrrr! Next we looked greek life, there is an amazing dance called the Zorba, this is a traditional dance that starts very slowly and then gets very fast, with legs been kicked in the air!!

We very shocked and surprised that greek people have a tradition of smashing plates, no not plastic ones, actual real plates!!! This was done to bring them luck and start of new beginnings, finally we tried the foods.

The foods were very strange with even more stranger names and SMELLS!! We tried feta cheese, olives, greek yoghurt and honey, pitta bread dipped in hummus and tzatziki!! We all gave it a go and we surprisingly loved the tzatziki, mmmmmm, lovely!!!