Year 1D

Autumn 2

Click on the Subjects below to see what we have been doing this term


In Power Maths this half term, we have already covered:

  • Reading and writing numbers

  • Addition within ten

  • Subtraction within ten

  • Number bonds to ten

  • Counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s

Next half term, we will continue practicing these skills, as well as learning about the properties of shape and beginning to look at different types of measurement.


We have been working really hard on our phonic knowledge and reading skills this half term. We use a phonics scheme called Read Write Inc., which is a structured programme, designed to ensure all children are able to read accurately and fluently. We work in small groups, reading between two and five different texts a week, which are carefully matched to the phonic knowledge of the children. Each day, the children also complete writing activities linked to the text, to help support their understanding of the links between reading and writing.

In June of next year, your children will be tested on the phonic decoding skills as part of a national assessment. During the assessment, they will be tested on their ability to read both real words and ‘alien’ or nonsense words. You can help your child to prepare for this by reading with them as often as possible.






Religious Education

