PHSE & RSE Curriculum Consultation

Thank you for all your responses, the parental consultation for PHSE and RSE is now complete.

Please see the questions below for additional information based on the questionnaire.

Questions that were queried during the parent questionnaire.

Who do I speak with in regards to the content and delivery of the PHSE and RSE at the school?

During the consultation period the main person to contact will be Mr Patel, he will be able to advice and answer all queries that have been posed. Please be aware that an appointment will be necessary as he has a teaching commitment and queries can only be answered through an appointment booking through the school office.

Once the consultation period has been completed (January 2021) your first point of contact will be the class teacher. They will be able to explain the full curriculum as well as what details will be taught. The teacher leading PHSE across the school will be Mr Faulkner-Jones.

Where can I find what my child will be taught at the school during PHSE & RSE lessons?

Below, you will find an image that is called PHSE & RSE Curriculum Overview of content taught. This document will show you exactly what will be taught in every year group with some detail of topic.

If you require further information then please initially speak with Mr Patel during the consultation period and then the class teacher from that point on.

Click on a page below for more information

Parent Letter

Draft RSHE Policy

Parents FAQs

PHSE & RSE Curriculum Overview of content taught