In Conversation With

The peak of achievement

Interview with David Liaño Gonzalez

David Liaño Gonzalez, the famous mountaineer from Mexico, has climbed over a hundred mountains. Having climbed Mt. Everest seven times, his dedication and effort has taken him to the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first mountaineer to summit Mt. Everest from the north and south sides in a single season. Wow, isn’t this the ‘Peak of Achievement’?! I had the privilege to interview him. The interview was conducted via email using Google Forms Questionnaire. Let’s see what he has to say.

Me: Hi David, Thanks for speaking with me.

David: Hi Tejas, thanks for considering me. It is my pleasure.

Me: Oh, it is my pleasure too! I also know a lot about you, but I want to know MORE.

Like,at what age did you develop an interest in mountaineering?

David: I developed an interest in mountaineering when I was 13.

Me: JUST 13?!

David: YES!

Me: WOAH! I just can’t wrap my head around this fact!

David: [Laughing]

Me: Can you tell us about some of the mountains that you have climbed and which one was your best experience?

David: I have climbed the highest mountain in each continent and many 8,000-meter peaks. The best experiences on the mountains were the ones where I climbed together with my father.

Me: Which was the most challenging climb?

David: My biggest challenges in mountains have been due to harsh weather. Like the time I climbed Denali, the highest peak in North America. I had to sleep in a snow cave to stay safe from the wind!

Me: How did you feel when you made it to the Guinness Book of World Records?

David: It was fun, I did not complete my double summit challenge because of it. It was a personal goal and I'm happy I was able to complete it.

Me: But, how do you keep yourself so fit?

David: I keep myself fit by training every day, running, biking and swimming. Eating a proper diet is important.

Me: Wow! Please share with us a few tips for young mountaineers.

David: Have fun! Mountains are a fun place. Reaching the summit is a bonus, but enjoying the experience is important. Also, bring chocolate. It's delicious and it will give you lots of energy.

Me: Those are great tips! I especially liked the part about chocolates! What are your other interests?

David: I love paragliding, which is a way to take off from the mountains with a type of parachute. I also like reading and sailing.

Me: WOW! I am so lucky to know you personally, and have seen that you are a very caring and charitable person. Can you please tell us which causes are close to your heart?

David: I like to support charities that I have a personal connection with. My mother is a diabetic and I've supported Diabetes Action. The same goes for supporting The Live Love Laugh Foundation. My cousin went through a hard time with depression so I climbed Mount Everest to support this cause. And finally, I support the Sherpa climbers and their families.

Me: I think you have done a lot of stuff in your life. Who is your role model for all of it?

David: I would say my father is the most important one.

Me: As a child, what were your interests?

David: I liked reading, playing soccer, chess, computer programming and video games.

Me: How do you keep yourself engaged during the COVID-19 situation?

David: I take online courses, always trying to learn. I also work remotely. But I use a stationary cycle to workout indoors and I go for long, long walks in the forest. I remind myself that this situation is temporary and that things will change soon. Nevertheless, during COVID 19, I was able to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and fly off the summit. I took a lot of precautions for my own sake and for the sake of my teammates. I also was able to ride 10,000km across India on a Royal Enfield motorcycle.

Me: What are you looking forward to?

David: I am looking forward to participate in Marathons and Ultra-Marathons (90-250 kms) with hundreds and thousands of other runners. I am getting ready to climb and fly off a peak in the Himalayas, in Nepal. And I am planning to swim across the English Channel, between France and England, in 2022.

Me: Good plans, hope Coronavirus will go away soon! All the best!

David: Thanks Tejas! Bye!

Tejas Krishna

V Oyster

An interview with Social Worker

Gopala Rao Pamarthi

Hi friends, my grandfather – Mr. Gopala Rao Pamarthi, is a retired Principal of Government college in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. He has been involved in many social activities and was awarded by NGOs like Lions club International and Junior Chamber International. His work for needy students and old people was featured in leading newspapers like Eenadu.

Here are the questions that I asked him during an interview over zoom.

  1. What is your passion?

  • To do social service and help in the development of my children.

  1. Can you tell me about your childhood?

  • In those days, it was hard for our family to support education due to shortage of money. With friends’ support, I was able to complete my education.

  1. What are the social activities you are involved in?

  • I offer assistance to meritorious poor students who want to continue their higher education and old people who are not properly taken care

  1. What are the struggles you faced in your life and what prompted you to help poor students?

  • Many problems are due to lack of money. My friend Ramabrahmam helped me until my education is over. That situation prompted me to help students who are not able to bear the expenditure on education.

  1. What prompted you to help old people?

  • There was an old woman aged 90. Her name was Seethamma and there was nobody to take care of her. She lived beside a school. One day she was lying on the floor because of her hunger. I saw her, gave her some food and take care of her well-being. From that time onwards I started helping people like her who are old and homeless with the support of my friends and kind donors.

  1. What is your message to children?

  • Stay healthy. Help the poor students and old people who are homeless in whatever way you can.

Hansika Parmarthi

V Oyster

Awards received from Lions Club and Junior Chamber International for service towards community

Helping Handicapped people

College Fee cheques to Meritorious but poor students for higher education . Yearly event every June

Monthly event of donating to the Old people along with Spectacles distribution

The Internet as my inspiration

Neelaksha in conversation with Pratham Patil

How many of us noticed the eye-catching portraits of famous personalities displayed on the pillar near the lift? Read on to know more about this talented youth of our school.

An aspiring young art enthusiast, Pratham is a strong believer in turning to paper rather that our screens when boredom strikes. An ardent lover of Harry Potter, often his source of inspiration, He finds that art is one of the best ways to express yourself, and encourages all to do the same.

In conversation with Pratham Patil, Artist extraordinaire - 7th Auburn.

Neelaksha: What inspired you to start portrait sketching?

Pratham: I discovered my love for sketching at age 6. It all started when i stumbled upon a few sketches while browsing through the internet, and attempted to replicate them .

Neelaksha: When did you start portrait sketching?

Pratham: I made my first ever sketch in the year 2020.I am pursuing this skill as a hobby at the moment and am inspired to learn more techniques and make more detailed and professional sketches in the future.

Neelaksha: Have you taken any courses or classes to master this Art?

Pratham: I did do 10 day course for learning portrait sketching but I by and large referred to YouTube and the internet for inspiration and techniques for my art work.

Neelaksha: What is your favoured portrait up to date?

Pratham: My favourite portrait so far, has to be of my beloved fictional characters, harry potter. His kind nature and persona is what led me to creating his portrait.

Neelaksha: Any advice for fellow aspiring art students?

Pratham: According to me, drawing and sketching makes a person express themselves and their feelings and make something beautiful out of it, and i also believe that rather than being on your phones and watching television one can try drawing, painting or sketching to calm themselves.

Neelaksha Gaikwad