Budding Poets

Let’s plant a seed

And see what it will be

A Ficus, An Oxalis or A Mango tree?

All you need is a seed and a pot or two

A Watering can and little patience too!

You put the seed in the pot,

And cover it up with soil

You water it and see a seedling grow,

All worth the toil!

Let’s plant a seed and see an earth greener times three!

Maya Devale

V Oyster


R is for a Rat, who is best friends with a Cat

E is for an Elk, who eats purple kelp

A is for an Armchair, which airily floats

D is for for a Dino, who has a secret sorrow

I is for an Invisible, holy clock

N is for a night which has no end

G is for a Giraffe whose heart can never mend

All of these creatures you can find in a book

So open it up and please have a look!

Maya Devale

V Oyster

The flicker of a candle

What does he not do?

As a stranger passes by

Plastering a smile on his face

Cracking jokes and being kind

When those two laugh from a distance

He tells himself to not mind

Arrive at the next station

With all his bags in sight

What does he not do

As he carries that heavy burden

Not loose himself in the process

But not be himself either

Some say these are flowers

And flowers always wither

Leave you when it snows

Only bloom on sunny days

What does he not do

Frustrated he asks himself

"Should I just forget them

Seems they have forgotten me anyway"

So outwardly he stills smiles

Laughs and jokes around

But inwardly he's given up

And in his eyes no hope can be found

Ashwika Meharwal


Illustrator - Mahi Gokhale IX Beige

Illustrator - Mahi Gokhale IX Beige


The attractive force of gravity

It is infinite in a black hole’s singularity

A demonstration in relativity

If it didn’t exist, we would be set free.

Discovered by Issac Newton

in 1687

“It warps spacetime”

said Albert Einstein.

The wondrous force of gravity

It’s even present in your pastry!

Tejas Krishna

V Oyster

Ruchit Agrawal

VI Aster


Some words leave you with bruises some cut you right to the bone,

you left me with nowhere to go

but just between us do you remember me too?

because I try to remember my old self too.

Twelve, almost a teen spears, madonna, and radio machine

made dragons and castles out of the clouds

that time life just felt so serene

Gave you every wish from the pluck of my eyelash to every birthday candle on which I blew.

But you still never came home

and left me to grow up without you

Thirteen, Levi's jeans

All bold and vibrant dreams

I was a naive girl who didn't know

she would grow up to forget hope and find comfort in screams

I sat by the phone every Friday afternoon,

canceled my plans in case you'd call

But you never did.

fourteen, student body president and dancing queen,

I would do just anything to make you see me followed every rule and decree

still wishing to stop being so invisible.

I worked myself to death

and pried open my heart for you

I told you on the phone with wide eyes

how much I learned and how I grew

I try to hide my disappointment

when you say you wouldn't be here today too

One more candle on the cake this year and I've stopped wishing for you at all

No matter how many four-leafed clovers I find or how many pennies I toss

I finally know now that you were never mine

fifteen, Austen, Hemingway, and blasting queen

I wished for everything in my life to be meticulously planned and NOTHING unforeseen

They say some words leave you with bruises some cut you right to the bone,

You came back when I wanted you no more.

That day for the first in my life

I didn't wish for you to stand in front of me and sing happy birthday.

i finally wished for myself to be happy and that was when I broke the spell

Eighteen, and I've decided I'm finally through

I apologize much less now and hardly cry

I've stopped looking up for a nod to see if I was doing all right

I no longer wish anymore or leave things to faith

I've snatched the reigns of my horse and took control of my own parade

They say broken hearts make mad women

To hell with what they say

I am what I am with no one's input or anything anyone has to say

Some words do leave you with bruises and some cut you right to the bone

I don't regret growing up the way I did because the pain taught me

and my dreams led me free but just between us,

I wonder sometimes with no thirst for an answer,

just between us did you ever love me too?

Ananya Singhal

X Periwinkle

Illustrator - Lavanya Bansal VIII Honeydew


A Collaborative Poem

How the rain falls

Giving life to all

Things asleep,

Quenching the Earth's thirst

Sounding like a cat

On a hot tin roof.

The wind has become

A howling wolf

Keeping me indoors,

Alone at the window

Looking out

As the breeze carries

A draft of the fragrance

Which rises from within

The sizzling crust.

Rutu Jamdar VII Auburn

Priyasha Pallod VI Blush

Vivaan Shah VI Aster

Mahatma Gandhi

Affectionately called Bapu ,

The father of nation,

Satya, Ahimsa , Sarvodaya

Are your virtues

Shaping India was difficult,

It was full of disgrace

You made it better and we are grateful

And we still follow your principles

India is a better country,

Because of you

Everyday we remember you

And your morals can’t be forgotten too .

Ananya Jakhotiya

VIII Ivory

The day always changes

With a cool breeze ,

The sun rays danced in the trees.

Birds sung merily

The flowers bloomed happily.

I think I shall never see,

A poem as lovely as a tree

A tree looks at god all day

And lifts her leafy arms to pray

The wind whispered softly in the night,

The sun was now not in sight

The rain poured down

And flooded drains all over the town

And then the moon

Forgives the sun

The flowers give birth

And nothing is dull.

Ananya Jakhotiya

VIII Ivory

Gargi Baste

VII Ivory

Aadya Fulsundar

V Oyster

Help our Earth

We Recycle what we use

Look Around

There is so much plastic

Lying around.

Let’s recycle

It’s fantastic.

Don’t forget

Glass, paper and tin

Recycle together

Go in your recycling bin.

We must start now

Placing garbage

In the right bin

Both us and nature

Will clearly win.

Quick, we can’t wait

For a healthy and clean home

Recycling is fun

And also, quite green.

Ashwika Gupta

VII Ebony

I Wish, I become a Scientist!

Illustrator - Nikita Naik

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a chemical formula

that makes a Green and clean city

with one spray of it.

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a recycling machine

which recycles all the plastic things

and make the rivers clean and clear.

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a chemical formula

That makes terrorist kind.

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a vehicle

that does not create any Smoke.

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a Vaccine

Which makes our nation free from

Corona and other viruses.

I wish I become a Scientist

and I can make a different Bournvita

that will makes me strong ,



Varnika Kulkarni

V Sepia

Aswika Gupta

VII Ebony

Hurt no living thing

Hurt No Living Thing…..

Neither a creepy lizard,

Nor a mouse with a wiggly waggly tail,

Nor a cat with white whiskers,

Nor a elephant with a big tusk,

Nor a big LION with a beautiful and gorgeous Mane,

All animals should be

Loved and cared for,

For that is Nature’s way.

Aarshia Hotwani

VII Ebony

Terrific & talented teachers

My teachers are as sweet as a rose,

They give me a power packed learning dose.

They teach us with happiness & glee,

With a twinkle in their eye they see.

If I don’t perform well they sigh,

If I do well they speak with an absolute high.

My teachers are super stupendous and wonderful,

They make their lessons joyful.

Thank you teachers for who you are,

You help me reach for the stars.

Aashvii Salagare

V Sepia

A day as a teacher in Orchid

My day at the school starts with a prayer,

I sing along in the class with love, respect and care.

Auburn is my class, full of different flavour,

But shout in this class no one can dare.

I give my students questions and explain them the answers,

I tirelessly repeat them again and again till their brain registers.

I have to change my role to be a story-teller, singer and dancer,

Sometimes I am strict and sometimes bring humour in English grammar.

I am a mathematician, musician and also a cricketer,

On a few days I am a painter and also annual concert director.

I teach my class Marathi, Hindi and English languages,

My students write about nature and festivals in short passages.

I check students' homework and teach them a new chapter,

I give them concept checks and set test papers every semester.

I encourage them to be an artist, writer, musician or a poet,

Some are disciplined, few naughty but all are my favourite.

Each year is full of excitement but also a fear,

I will not be seeing my dear ones in the new academic year.

I take a class photograph and cherish the picture,

Fun, laughter and knowledge, I wish them for a brand new adventure.

Rutu Jamdar

VII Auburn

A poem for my dear teachers

I am happy you're my teacher,

I enjoy each lesson you teach

As my role model you inspire me

To dream and to work , and to reach

With your kindness you get my attention

Everyday you plant a seed

Of curiosity and motivation

To grow and to succeed

I came to the class

To learn and to grow

But what touched me

Is the affection you show

I love Science

I love Maths

But what I love the most

Is my Teacher!

Ananya Jakhotiya

VIII Ivory

I love my dog Reash

I have a dog named Reash,

He loves to wear a colourful paw printed leash.

He gets excited when I give him a treat,

And dances joyfully when I play a musical beat.

When he sleeps he looks like a quiet soft fluffy toy,

But when we go out he surely proves to be a good boy.

He loves to chase the ball and perform tricks,

In his brocade festive clothes he looks really chic.

Aashvii Salagare

V Sepia

Gargi Baste

VII Ivory

Aswika Gupta

VII Ebony

Lasyyhaa Vavle

VIII Ivory

Sameer Datar

X Iris

Aadya Fulsundar

V Oyster

Gargi Baste

VII Ivory